Yesterday I went over the switch to rbenv to install ruby. I’ll also need to install rails which is a simple:

$ gem install rails

This installs the latest rails version which is 4.2.3 as of this writing. Now I can create my backend project:

$ rails new recipe-backend

For the frontend I’ll be using Ember JS. To start off I need node first. I’m going to use NVM (Node Version Manager) to install node. First you need to download nvm and then

$ curl -o- | bash
$ nvm install node

Now you can check where node is installed:

$ which node

You can install one node globally from this post if you need to. Now that we have node and npm we can install Ember

$ npm install -g ember-cli
$ npm install -g phantomjs

Phantom JS is required to run tests. Finally we can make the frontend project:

$ ember new recipe-frontend

Now we have both our projects set up! Tomorrow we’ll start talking about version control.
